Sunday, February 16, 2014



Dear Friends,

     Happy New Year to you all.  Thanks to Fr. Walter's  trip to Jerusalem,  I have been here in LaPlace, La. once again for a couple of weeks.   And once again, I want to thank you from the deepest reaches of of my heart for your generosity in support of the Saltillo Mission for this past  year.

     This past year we finally got RAIN!---lots of rain, a true blessing in many ways.  Most  of the farmers in our ranchos were able to plant their crops of corn and beans.  In other ranchos where the rain came late--the end of July---and where they experienced an early freeze--- the end of September---they could not plant the usual crops but still were able to plant fodder for their few cows that survived  the last  five years of drought.  The rains are continuing, so they are looking forward to being able to plant this spring when the danger of freeze is over---the end of May. This is the good news.  On the other hand, the persistent weeks of rains have  taken their toll on their adobe-made dirt-roof houses.  Water is leaking everywhere from every side in every room.  Families are waking up in the middle of the night with their beds soaked and a foot  of water in the house.  Even with all that, the people keep their strong faith and make do the best they can.  The way to heal  these families is providing them with tarpaulins to place over their roofs to protect their houses from further erosion.

     On the spiritual, apostolic, evangelization side of things,  the life of the Saltillo Mission is great  with on-going catechism of children and teenagers; sacramental preparation; celebration of weddings, First Communions, and Confirmations ever on-going both at the parish and in the ranchos every weekend; and an ever-growing number of volunteers--teenagers and adults- joining in ministry of service.  This is indeed very rewarding, and you too should be proud of it as well because your donations make it possible.

   Just to give you an example: We pay on average between $5000-$6000 a month in gasoline alone for our visits to the ranchos.  To this , add the upkeep of the pick-ups and salary of the drivers. Yes, your donations make it possible. THANK YOU!

     Thanks to  your Christmas donations as well as your donations to the annual Mission Appeal we experienced the Miracle of the Potatoes.  Yes! One of the big producers gave to the mission 10 tons of potatoes for 1 penny per pound.  I never saw so many sacks of potatoes in  my life.  So, during the weeks between Christmas and the Epiphany, we went from rancho to rancho delivering potatoes.

     Once again, thank you because your generous and constant donations make the works of the mission possible. 

     Rest assured of my prayers and of all the people you help.

     Once again, Thank you and God Bless you.

     Love you all,

     Fr. Benny
Parroquia San Miguel Arcangel
Col. Vista Hermosa
Codigo Postal 25010
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico
